L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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30 Mar 2010

maybe this is a TEST for me...

lately nih im always feel like tak tenteram...
sampailah ptg tadi..sumthing that never be happened to my life totally so panic..i dun noe wat to this the end of my life? GOD, help me...

macam2 dah jadi...
dgn masalah kat umah, personal...dgn masalah org yg "too MULIA" ggu blog i
but i redha...and i damn believe things happened for a reason...
since it happened, everyone like care bout me..
dear God, thank you so much...
now i know, i still have people around me who still loves me...

dear mom, thank you for understanding u know why i be like this not doing bad thing outside..i just need space..i need to relax my mind...but i admit that it's still my fault.thank God, im ok..nothing happend. i should be honest to everyone about me...with wat i feel and wat i want...
dear brother, sorry for everything :( my too careless...sorry a lot. i promise i'll take this responsibilities.
and thanks to 2 brother yg i tatau namenye...thnks a lot..kalo tak sbb abg berdua, ntah ape jadi plak pastu..hope we can meet again.

i know who am i...

i know who i am...
mmg i tade budi bahasa...mmg rude...mmg i perasan cantek...mmg i TERUK....mmg i muslimah yang paling teruk kat muka bumi nih tapi sekurang2nya i tak menagih simpati dari orang dan i jadi diri i yang sebenar..
kalau dah bukan rezeki utk i kawen sampai umo 30thn pon, i redha.
itu mmg da takdir...but at least im not that desperate.
mmg memaafkan orang itu mulia, dan secara jujur im not that mulia..
faham isi hati : kalo faham kenape msh nk ggu i???
nak tau cerita sebenar? hello this is not PUBLIC..this is my own life...this is the best place for me to let all out. tak semua orang sama lah...maybe orang lain boleh share but not me....even u r my best friend. 
no one can be trusted..!!

perasan cantek. memilih ikan di pasar: yes....i am that way...i mmg memilih..

so?? ape lagi yg u nak cakap....cakaplah.....
this is TOTALLY ME....!

29 Mar 2010

too much...

hello guys...
hari ni i mmg sgt2 tak puas hati ngn seorang makluk kat bumi ni..
dah la jenis tak paham bahase...
lepas tuh tatau cerita suka hati je nak ngata i...
dia igt dia tuh BAGUS sangat...

nak taw ape die cakap?!!

* awk tu yg jual mahal

 someone want to love you but u yg jual mahal. so Allah butakan mata hati u supaya u get what u want.

 unless u change
 ur own attitude *
( and ade lagi comment2 die yang menyakitkan hati but sume i dah deleted..)

hello saudara.. im not pissed off with my life with person that i love ok jek..tade masalah...
so jangan lah nak nyebuk..
dah la tatau cerita sebenar..pastu nak main basuh jek...
lain kali sebelum nak sound orang....tgk dulu diri tuh..

sbelum ni pon si mamat ni slalu gak ggu blog i, tapi i diam jek.
 tapi kali ni mmg agak melampau ok..!!

kalau i ade attitude problem, yg u nak kesah kenape? pegi je la cari WANITA yang GOOD ATTITUDE...tak payah nak nyemak dalam blog i nih...
you're too much and i totally fuken upset with you...!!

- i'm so not me right now -

in these months I’ve been so upset and im always fall sick. i became sad, hopeless, faithless and lost my way of living. I tried to hang out with other but obviously im so not in my mood with people around especially THEM. I lost my self confidence. sometimes when I’m in bad moods I start to cry. The memories of the past comes into my head and I … i really miss my dad badly...

Now I don’t know what to do. I do whatever I could, but failed. I’m 26, I don’t think waiting and being patient can be the answer. I think I should do something to take myself out of this problem, but I don’t know where I was wrong, what did I do wrong?

dear GOD,
please help I cannot stand this anymore


I am good, but not an angel. 
I do sin, but I am not the devil. 
I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love
Beneath the makeup and behind the smile 
I am just a girl who wishes for the world 

"It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with some other people." 

28 Mar 2010

webby with d i n a

Syarifah Irdina Syed Harith
semalam bersama dina.


dina scared bcos she got nightmare

last sekali..Irfan pon nebuk..hehe


banyak lagi


album facebook saya :)

Rayyan admitted to hospital :(

poor Rayyan. 
He was admitted to Serdang Hospital on his first birthday bcos of Demam Panas. 
almost five days dia kat situ. sian bby Udhe nih..
get well soon ye sayang..
udhe luf u :)

tengok muke Rayyan bile pak long pit(belakang yg pakai glasses tuh) dtg nak tgk die. cebik je...tade mood nak jumpe sape2 ye sayang?!!
nnati dah sehat boleh ikut tok long g jalan2 k... :)

minum air masal banyak2 k...nnti cepat sembuh :)
sian bby udhe ni...kene drip lagi....
tapi ngan udhe die ok kan?? sayang sikit.....muuuaahhhhh

25 Mar 2010

siapa TAM a.k.a Khairil Zawani di hati Usmi Syahida?

penat nak jawab soklan2 yg same setiap masa.
and majority kawan2 i duk tanye sape tam..ko ngn tam ape sebenarnye status korang...?? dan macam2 lagi... be honest with everyone and tamo orang pikir yg bukan2
here i wanna explain or dengan perkataan lainye menceritakan SIAPAKAH TAM DALAM HIDUP I.

We knew each another quite lame gak... since 1998 if im not mistaken..
kami satu kampung di Kuala Kangsar.
yes, tak dinafikan DAHULU kami mmg ade history tapi itu DULU..
sekarang ni he's my BFF + brother + kekanda + bodyguard + driver + bla bla....heheheh ;p.
maybe sebab kami di FB agak gedik dan keterlaluan so itu yang mengakibatkan ramai yg jadi macam curious sgt2 ngn kami. 
nak suh BERCINTA?? tak mungkin kot...
Tam i dah anggap macam abang i...
he's always beside me to go through my ups and downs...
itu pengakuan jujur i la...tapi kite hanya mampu merancang tapi TUHAN yang menentukan. tapi kalau dah mmg jodoh, takkan nak tolak plak 
( mmg dunia nak kiamat la)

so, lepas ni jgn la ade orang yg pikir bukan2 pasal kami..
sian tam, die tengah cari gepren tuh..
kalo semua cakap i gepren die camne die nak kawen..
camtuh gak kat i...sian kat si Dia...hahahaha

oklah, so skang dah puas hati semua??


24 Mar 2010

happy birthday Rayyan :)

today is Rayyan's 1st birthday.
alamakk..camne i leh lupe...

to Rayyan,

happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to Rayyan......
happy birthday to you...

clap clap clap...

udhe doakan agar Rayyan sihat selalu..jadi anak yg baik n dengar ckp mama, papa & maktok... jgn gaduh2 ngn abang Adam ye...

nnti udhe belikan Rayyan hadiah ok :)

sayang Rayyan :))

hello readers,
feel like quite so long never updates my blog nih...
not in my mood n no ideas..
plus....lately ni always fall sick..

there's a story nak share ngn korang...
i went to JJ AU2, Setiawangsa....on9 kat Subway...
when i tgh que utk order my steak n cheese, i bump with this one guy...
sgt hensem...perhhh cair mata ni memandang...
i said SORRY sir...
and he said " dun called me sir..maybe we're in the same age. how old are u young lady?"
i cut the story and trus g amek order....
tapi sempat i ckap.."see u then"....
i pon blah dari situ....tapi kami terserempak kat Giordano...haha..saje la tuh nk follow i...
sorry man...even u sgt hensem tapi i tamo layan...hahaa...
i pon trus melarikan diri....
tapi kan.....nape lak i kene lari dari die kan?? die bukan nak ape2kan i pon..
cume tanye umo i jek...
alamak........dah hilang plak mamat tuh...
harap bersua kembali di Subway.
boleh i jawab soklan die..hahaha

tu je i nak cite...

18 Mar 2010

ini blog saya :)

this is the best place for me to let all things out from my mind..
and i dunt even ask people to comments.
if u guys love my posts and send me a gud comment and sincerely to comments me,thank you..
if you don't...who care!
i dun't need a sympathy from




17 Mar 2010

rindu kat tam....

nak jumpe si Tam malam nih....

rindu gile kt mamat nih....dah lame tak jumpe...
banyak story mory..huhuu...

he's my BFF merangkap Abang dan juga Kekasih gelap..hahaha ;p
Jgn marah haa.......   


16 Mar 2010

Air mata Bonda

last night, my mom & me went to nenda's hze.Bukan slalu dtg kl pon kan. so, once a time she go to visited her mak la...we're chit chat....bla bla bla..too many story to talk talk...hahaha...*women*

mak told us that this April she wanna go to Hatnyai, Thailand with adik. huhh?? asal i tatau nih? asal mak tak ajak i? hehe..sibuk je nak ikut...
mak bawak adik sempena die hbs diploma rituh and just got his scroll last sunday :) *jeles*
now adik further stadi die kat KLIUC and taking Civil Engineering. He told mak that he can't stadi bcos kawan2 sume asyik nak jalan2 kuar shopping...and he said " atu taleh blaja la..dorang kaye..asyik nak blanje jek" *alasan sbb pointer jatuh* 

Nenda nyampuk, "Ami, dah2 la pegi mekah tuh. simpan duit utk anak2 nak blaja nih"


"mak, ni duit Ami kumpul....duit blanje anak2 pon Ami dah ketepikan dah ade side utk blaja sume...lagi pon hati Ami tade kat sini..kat Madinah.asyik terpandang2 jek wajah Abah. Ami nak bawak anak2 tgk kubur Abah dia selagi mampu." airmata bonda mengalir laju....
i sebak :(
now i wondering why my mom selalu g sane...
as a daughter and also a big grown girl, i faham perasaan seorang wanita.

dear Mom,
i know how u feel...and we as a daughter(s) and son(s) also had a same feeling. everyone miss Abah so much...and i know, Abah also miss us and waiting for us to come and visit him there. InsyaAllah mak, one day kite semua akan g ziarah kubur Abah kat sane ye :)

dear Abah, we miss u badly. Hopefully Abah ok kat sane. amin~

11 Mar 2010


im in a big damnTROUBLE... u do ur work? never check kew?
this is my very first time buat salah yg macam nih...
n ia melibatkan $$$$$$$$$$$ ayoyoyooooo
kalo seringgit dua, boleh kawan tolong..tpi ini sulah mau 5 angka ma....

How could this happened? let me story...then, take it as a lesson ok!

one upon a time, in office...i had received this one chq with the amount RM$$$,$$$.$$.which is we as a stakeholder btwn the client & the bank.
so, i have to deposit the chq first into company's account and after the chq cleared,then baru boleh i prepare a chq payable to client.
wah bagus2...step by step... mistake was..........
i bank in chq dlm account (1) but keluarkan chq baru dlm account(2)....
so ape yg terjadi? sudah semestinya account (2) over withdrawn.....
and this morning i had received phone called from bank account (2) and said we haf to top up another RM$$,$$$.$$ to cover.wtF...

boss suddently nak balik HQ.
me & kak jue kalut2 prepare chq for client sbb kalo tak nnti kene issue "chq request form" and fax to HQ. byk keje...!
tanpe meneliti dgn lebih mendalam, boss pon signed the chq.( not him fault) yg salah kami sbb tak ek betol2...[kami? no fault]

otak semakin tak tentu..i celaru..pening dan buntu..
i called HQ for help....kak nora, help me...i dah buat satu kesilapan yg bongok...and she said, u settle ngn bank dulu, if there's no other way out...kite buat cash chq from HQ and top up....

the best way....
i haf to call Pn.client and say that we'll prepare a new chq for her and haf to cancel the previous chq. then, i haf to write a letter to the bank saying that we wanna stop the chq payment and the bank will charge rm$$$.$$.
aduh..banyak keje i nak kene buat..tu la..sape suruh cuai sangat..!
btw, a million thanks to Pn.Client cos bertimbang rasa dan sympathy dgn i. im so sorry for everythings....wawaa..terharu..nak nangis...
not to forget to kak julie, en zainal & encik Ismail for helping me :(

jasa korang dikenang.

10 Mar 2010


aLL  cHaNged

8 Mar 2010






7 Mar 2010

manusia yg tak punye akal...

Lately nih selalu sgt dengar cite pasal kes orang buang bayi...ade yg lagi menyentuh hati bile ade jugak bby yg di bakar. mmg tade hati perut langsung. kalo dah tamo bertanggungjawab ngn ape dah jadi, kenape buat?? pstu bile dah terJADI atas kesalahan sendiri bby yg tatau ape2 tu jadi mangsa kekejaman mereka. Sampai hati.

just now, im watching buletin utama, ade lagi kes orang buang bby. kalo letak kat tempat yg elok n biarkan die hidup tape la tak..dah la bunuh, pastu buang plak kat longkang. ade ke patot. kalo jumpe sape punye keje tuh mmg patot kite bagi die hukuman yg lebih teruk dari ape yg die buat kat bby tuh. biar die rase..!!

kalo tanak bby tu pon, bgla kat sape2 yg nak..yg lebih sayangkan bby tuh. or else, hanta la ke rumah kebajikan ke ape yang patot. 

tak habes ngn cite buang bby, ade lagi yg paling teruk. Kes dera budak sampai maut/mati. yg tragis nye sampai pecah2 organ dalaman tuh. aduhai...manusia manusia..kenapelah kejam sangat.

1. adik Syafia Humairah ( 3 tahun ):

Memang kejam.. Cukup sadis.. Kita malah tidak dapat membayangkan bila seorang kanak-kanak perempuan yang baru berusia tiga tahun Syafia Humairah Sahari mati akibat didera dengan begitu dahsyat oleh teman lelaki ibunya. Ditendang macam bola. Dipijak-pijak kepalanya.

2. adik K. Haresvarren ( 18 bulan ) bby ni meninggal dunia dipercayai akibat dipijak oleh seorang kelindan lori iaitu juga merupakan suami kepada penjaganya. sangat memilukan. terdapat kesan kuku kat dalam kemaluan  bby nih. so, fikirkan lah ape yg dah jadi. 

mmg sedih. & pilu betol tgk gambar nih.

kalau betol budak2 dua orang ni ade salah, takkan sampai macam ni balasannye. sedih & menyayat hati :( 

6 Mar 2010

moment - MUTAZAM & AINUL

5 Mar 2010

move out :)

he already move to new hze.
finally, he got a new place to stay :)
even jauh dr tempat keje but at least he has his own privacy.
dun get me wrong...i tak pernah pon masok umah tuh....
just duk kt bawah je.. tak berani lak nak naik...kang ape2 jadi..habes la i ;p
last two days we went to ikea beli almari.
penat gak nak cari kan? mane tak nye..nak yg murah & lawa. aduhai..
tapi syok..
pasni nak bli macam2 lagi but step by step.. pindah umah sendiri lak.

seronok bile he start working balik. Die pon happy.
tade lah nak runsing2 lagi..tade nk buat muke ketat jek..haha ;p
Alhamdulillah everything is back to normal :)
**learn from lesson**

Hi-Tech Wellness??
ntah la...we all tak decide lagi nak join ke tak.
but the sure is..i'm not going to join it.
if he's interested nak join, i'll support him 101% :)

hurmm....tade plan. he's so damn busy.
takyah la g holiday2 nih...
byk duit nak pakai.
baik simpan nak kawen. ahaha poyo jek...!
tapi betol ape..!!hehe ;p
nnti dah kawen jgn kate holiday...
honeymoon pon akan bertukar menjadi honeystar :)
so like it :p

4 Mar 2010

Alhamdulillah :)

thanks to Allah for everything. so happy...finally everything is back to normal.
he back to work as usual...
Alhamdulillah :)
dun't poke2 people again ye you.haha... :p
not his fault..n i never put a blame on him.
things happened for a reason.
maybe he can be more discipline and responsible in working.

** think twice before u even do it once..! 

3 Mar 2010

ye..i mmg tak de budi bahasa.....

yes..u r correct. i mmg takde budi hanya pada mereka2 yg tak paham2 bahase macam u.
u nk ckp i gadis yg teruk..suke hati..nak cakap ape pon lantak. i dunt even care.
as long as i taw ape yg i buat. 
sekurang2nye i tak ggu hidup orang lain. 
tak semakkan hidup orang lain.
ape salah u? mmg tade salah.....just u make me uncomfortable.



im not so well this few days. bertambah tak sihat dengan kedatangan satu makhluk yg tak di undang ke blog i nih?? who?? yg kat nama nye tertera di post yg bawah ini....!dh la i tak kenal die, pastu ade hati nk plak nk jodoh2 kan i ngn die. ape...bile die igt i stay satu kg ngn die that's mean i boleh la suke suki nk jumpe n kenal ngn die?
hello....u r so annoying !!!

im so no in my mood today. semua tak kene. plus kepale nih berpusing 360 darjah. sakit siot..!
n im also lost my appetite. lapar...sangat lapar...tpi tak leh nak makan.
dada makin sakit. nak tido je sure tak selese..tolooonngggg.....

hopefully i leh recover asap.

memang jenis manusia yang tak paham bahase!

hey u, Nurul Azwan bin apetah...once bile i cakap jgn ggu i boleh tak TOLONG jgn ggu i??!!!!! or u ni mmg tak paham ape itu SEMAK? and u noe what.....u mmg dah semakkan diri u dlm blog i nih.. ohho.. dunt u think i akan approved u punye comment ok.. u r not INVITED in this blog. GET IT?!
so...tolong BLAH....


2 Mar 2010

sedare, kawan, adik beradik, jiran tetangga :)

 nana , kak kema & me
my lovely family :)

 my lovely cousin & me

  soraya, nana, me & alah
muaahh korang erat2 :)

menggedix di atas pelamin

Rayyan demam 
cian die :(

bro ajam's wedding :)

Muhammad Mutazam
Ainul Fahimah

26th, 27th & 28th Feb 2010


wedding reception @ Sg.Siput

wedding reception @ Kuala Kangsar.