L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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10 Apr 2011

udhe & dina

hai korang...
arini i off..
so bangun pagi2 (pagilah sangat kan) and trus kemas rumah...
operasi memunggah barang2 dlm stor...
perghhhh...mmg trbaek la..truk gile sinus i tadi sampai merah2 hidung yg comel nih ;p
ok..tamo cite pasal tuh...
now nak bg korang tgk video di bawah nih...

comel je Dina punya aunty ni kan??? kan??
hahaa...**angkat bakoi sendri**
tapi ape2pon i syg kt dina..
die membesar depan mata i...
cepat toi masa berlalu..dina skng dah 6tahun
and now i jadi CIKGU BI die ;p
**macam hebat sgt BI i kan?!!**

kegewdixkan pon lebih kurang je 
same2 photogewdixs and perangai pon same.
we luf PURPLE + PINK but we could say our favy color is



Dina 6 years

Dina 3 years

dina 4 years

Dina 5 years

9 Apr 2011

itu saya???

hey korang...
entry kali ni just nak korang tgk gambar dibawah nih...

ok..gambar ni di ambil di BEIJING....tetapi gadis didalam gambar itu BUKAN
 si USMI SYAHIDA RUSFAN a.k.a SHINTA...korang rase same tak muke die ngn muke i??
for the first time i tgk nampak, i called my adik and tanye die..
"dik, ok tak gambar nih??"  then adik i pon tanye i
 "weh bile ko g Beijing nih??"
ok..bile dah dengar jawapan die, so i consider...

then, just now i tunjuk this picture kat my niece, Dina and Dina pon cakap bende yg same jugak...and i called my mom then my mom pon cakap bende yg same jugak...
" kan syahida..bile kamu pegi sini??" we are

hmm..i ade dengar cite yg kat dunia ni kite ade 7 orang lagi yg wajah die same je ngn kite..
so i dah jumpe sorang and i nak jumpe yg selebihnye pulak lepas nih...
adekah orang Malaysia jugak kah??atau...???tak kesah la..janji dapat jumpe and kenal2 ngn dorang...

**ohh..lupe lak nak gadis di atas yang i tahu nama dia ERIN...nice name :D

ok..itu sahaja untuk entry kali ni...
see ya


5 Apr 2011

off day lagi...

hello hello...
hai korang...skng ni cam rajen lak nk update blog nih...hehee...
so arini i off then mcm2 yg i buat kt rumah...
kemas bilik, cuci kereta, pg makan....tido....
and yg HARUS dilakukan adalah record diri sendri ;p

so u think...!!!!

hello guys..
kali entry i adalah reply dr entry yg telah di post by some the name....RAHSIA.
ingatkan bende dah settel tapi tatau la plak die leh cerite kat blog die..
hmm..tu pon i dapat taw bile one of my friend bagitau...
tayah la i nk cerite mengenai ape just nk settelkan je.
actually we dun have to make the things become worse to worst. 
come on...we are so grown up girl so just be like a grown up girl..

YES..kami tk kenal kamu...same goes to you..u not knowing us WELL....
and hellooooo...we never meant for all words thats came out from our mouthssss to hurt ur feeling....semua tuh JOKES...taw ape itu joke???LAWAK....taw tak LAWAK...taw kan...!!!
oklah if that LAWAK is too much for you...on behalf of KEPOCHIAN im very very very apologize about that...! ok??
enuff is enuff... 

and dunt worry, "kami takkan susahkan lagi " org " utk anta dan amek kami g keje even we are on the same shift..." i can promise that..dun worry k...! more thing, referring to word "BINI" tuh...we seriously didnt know about that..we tot u guys are married..hmmm...miscommunication.
and once again, we really sorry about that.

oh btw, thnx for the least we have a group name and it's sound so lovely....

so, take a gud care and Assalammualaikum....

peace no war!!!
