L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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31 Jan 2010

jahil dalam "IT"

kesian si Shinta ni,
nak blog look nice n harmony but tatau camne nak buat.
puas sudah si Shinta mencari layout2 yg menarik tertarik tapi hampeh..
kenape lah susah sgt nak download layout nih???
white background color-----> boring~!

malas nak pikir pasal layout. terima je la hakikat yg si Shinta ini jahil dalam dunia IT.


hari yg bosan apabila berada dirumah dengan keadaan internet tidak boleh digunakan.
so bad...
masih menanti panggilan2 telefon mahupon telegram dari teman2 yg sudi mengajak diri ini keluar bersuka ria. BORING~~~~

akhirnye, si Shinta membawa diri ke Starbuck utk memenuhi masa lapang.
bley on9 di Starbuck. yeeeahhh..boleh makan muffin kegemaran...

banana chochip muffin

yummy mocha :)

29 Jan 2010

macam-macam si Shinta ini ;)

hari yang senget. tapi si Shinta ni hari2 die senget.

bile die bosan dalam kete..macam2 lah yg akan die buat.

aduhai..tak padan ngn gadis berusia 26thn :p

who cares...~!

hari yang cerah ttp hati yg "panas" sbb si botak bangun lambat.
namun, si Shinta masih boleh bersuka ria

yes... finally, today is Friday.esok cuti..leh bangun lambat ;p

**sambil menunjukkan isyarat "like this" yg macam dlm FB tuh.

semakin sopan si Shinta ini.
dan semakin rajen mengenakan baju kurung di hari Jumaat

alhamdulillah :)

ok la korang, si botak sudah sampai.
masa utk ke pejabat.
selamat berkerja


salam Jumaat dari

si Shinta itu Usmie


27 Jan 2010


day by days..status ko tu buat i panasss jek. Jangan ingat lepas i deleted ko dari FB i x taw ape yang ko buat? hello women...i ade ramai spy every single thing yang ko buat i akan taw ( bende yang boleh mendatangkan amarah) cukup la... bina je la hidup baru... jangan gunakan perkare yang lepas utk ko raih simpati orang ramai..maybe they dun even know what's going on here..but i know created too many stories just wanna let people hate the "guy" and me...such a sweet talker. ibarat mulut ko tuh penuh ngn gula pasir...or kilang gula.. tired of everything.. just forget the pass. build ur own new life with new partner. easy right?!!

pissed off~

si shinta yg berlagak nak pakai lappy.

yehh..laptop dah dapat...broadband pon dah ade...
so that's not a big prob for me nak on9 kat rumah lagi :)

itu pagi semalam punye feeling..tapi malam tadi aduhh..... ;(
kenape internet tak leh pakai gak nih...then orang maxis pon called...
"kakak, u punye Broadband sudah active..selamat mengguna ya kakak"
boleh guna hotak hang....
tak boleh..tapi internet dah "connected"
apsal nih.....???? so i haf to wait untill si botak turun dari bilik and tengok2kan ape dah jadi ngn bby dell nih...
ngodek punye ngodek....rupenye2 lappy i tuh pakai Windows 7. so ianye terlalu advaned utk maxis bb...oooo000oo....
"tu la..lain kali main beli je...."kate si botak..

my bby dell tengah diformatkan utk windows XP oleh si botak. terima kasih abangku ;p
semoga ianya selamat menjalani pembedahan itu :)

utk share bersama :)

love...broke up....
that's normal babeh... semua orang akan merasainye...termasuklah orang2 yang ternama.
lately nih hot dgn story pasal hubungan artis terkenal,
Fahrin Ahmad,Linda Onn & Scha Al-yahya. aduhai..tak paham la ngn manusia skang nih..bende dah lepas kan..tak yah la nak ungkit2..then if one of them buat salah, just sit & talk between u guys je la...kan senang. tak payah nak panggil press and besarkan cerite...memalukan kaum jek..! im not saying that yang i ni bagus, but we learned from mistake kan so take it as a one of our life experience.
u guys noe what, i dun even think that their probs tu besar sgt... not like ape yg pernah jadi kat i suffer i nak start a new relationship....and new me...
yes, the relationship went wrong, but kite tak leh nak aibkan or burukkan sapew2... for me that's personal. better kite cari salah kite sendri dari kite cari salah orang lain. things happened for a reason. Peminat2 mereka bertiga ni yang berada di luar sane nun..jangan lah korang jugde2 dorang nih..bior deme urus sendri hal deme nih yea...alaa...jodoh pertemuan semua ketentuan Ilahi..betol tak??kalau dah jodoh tak kan kemana..tapi kalau bukan jodoh kite...pasrah la..redha. you deserve for sumone better than what u haf before...God Willing.
ngeee~ pandai si Shinta ni berceramah, walhal die sndri tak betol...
tapi ape salahnye kite memberi pendapat and share to everybody....tak gituh ahli nujum??
so..."Lu pikirla sendri..."kate nabil..

si shinta akan membebel sebentar lagi..............


26 Jan 2010

dalam "i" ade "u"

hari tu kite gaduh,
i memain je..u ingat betul2…xtau nak wat camne lagi..!
smlm kite b’selisih, tp i wat tatau....
u pandang i..i wat tatau gak..ego nye i..
i nampak u, i nak panggil..tapi u x toleh..sebab i panggil u dlm hati..bodohnye i..!!!
u tegur i,tp i wat cam biase je…tapi hakikatnye u x tau..eppinye i... ;D
i dgr u cite yg u dah jatuh cinta..sedihnya i =(
u kuar tgk wayang..i pun..tapi u kuar ngn die..i sorang2 je... :(
u called i,ngacau betul la…i tgh tido i layankan ajaa..
u ckp yg u dah broke up…i senyum sampai ke telinga…tapi u x nampak la..
i cakap.."kesian u"…hipokritnya i…
hari tu hari jadi i..tapi u lupa..tapi x pe laa i pun bukan nye sesiape dgn u..
u minta maaf..i senyum aja…
i kata.."x kesah"..
u belanja tgk 2012..ishhh…x romantik la..tapi best gakk…
i dpt bunge…cantik sangat…tapi xtau sape pengirimnyee…u nampak..u terus balik..
bile i panggil u..u x toleh.. i cuma nak bagitau u…..LORI
i kejar dptkan u
tp u terus jalan
i tolak u..u jatuh…..
i nampka lori..betul2 dpn i…kalaulah sempat,…i nak bagitau kat u yang…


(very2 da tauching story to U all semue. hargailah org tersayang ;)

jangan cari pasal....!!!!!

jangan cari pasal ngn i...
if i noe u do sumthings STUPID behind my back...u just get ready...!!!
im not USMI SYAHIDA yang dulu....yang boleh bertolak ansur.
get it..!!!!

25 Jan 2010

yeehhh :)

finally, dapat gak i lappy baru :)
senyuman shinta sampai ke telinga~~ngeeee
walaupun hakikatnye i taktaw pasal brand2 laptop nih kan tapi i ttp berpuas hati...

dell- vostro

tapi i dapat beg HP..hehee ;p

thnx to apek komputer kerane sudi melayan karenah saye yang ntah hape hape ini...

skang ni, time utk broadband plak...
camne ek??tak pandai la...

yes...minta pertolongan dari abang botak ku...jeeeng jeenngggg....
kene buat baik dgn die nih...tak leh gadoh2...

wanna buy a new lappy :)

hey readers...kinda long time tak membebel kat blog nih...aisshhh...~~
btw, there's sum of gud & bad news to me...well... ;p~
im start with.......

bad news:

1. my computer was in ICU... terlalu byk virus yg menyerang and the bacteria mula membiak...! oh man, this is totally critical.... get well soon my darling Dell..~
** so this morning i menumpang receptionist's....ngeeee *naseb ko tak datang*

2. last saturday, my mom took me to CarreFour and die ternampak "PERMATA HIJRAH"...and dhe said " syida try permata hijrah nih...kawan2 mak kate ok..and majority kate elok dan berkesan"...ok mom i'll i pon try la utk menguji tahap kerosakan mata kanan i nih...haha..very funny...dah macam robot lak...tapi.......aduhhhhhhhhh pedih pedih pedih.....
0.0 ibarat nak tercabut mata nih....
result : my eye's problem..the SARAF ade sikit luka...omG..hopefully it will recover soon ;(

gud news :

1. i baru je menempah baju...actually this is for my bro's wedding on 28th of Feb...konon nye 2 pasang & green...but last2, i tempah sampai 4 pasang..ngeee~ excited excited...
dah lame tak menempah baju....sonok sonok...tapi yg tak sonok nye bile nak membayo ler...aisshhh takde sape2 ke nak sponsor ;p
** btw, a million thnx to Bonda & kak kema for the baju...ngee~

2. hari ni i akan dapat laptop baru.."dapat" ???no no..correction... "beli"...
teeeheeee ;p
tak kesah la apepon kan..janji i will get a new lappy...takyah dah nak pinjam2 my bro or adik yg kedek tuh..ngagaaaa ;D

3. bonus just around the corner..yeeaahhhh...cepat2 datang kepadaku..daku memerlukanmu ;p

sekian, terima kasih....


21 Jan 2010

pabila si Shinta bosan....

nilah aktiviti2 i pabila bosan.....tak baik membuang masa dengan hanya termenung..lebih baik melakukan sesuatu yg boleh menceriakan semua orang di sekeliling kite..
ceria kewww???hahaa

dun't judge bcos u ain't me...!!

senyuman manis tulus ikhlas dr si Shinta itu Usmi :)

dun play2 with me..if im mad, i'll kill you...grrrr..



i luf this mask...pls buy me one :)


20 Jan 2010


We having our dinner at Laksa Shack, JJ AU2 not enjoyed the food bcos the tasted so...aeeuuuwwwww.....nyesal nyesal..
tapi takpe..Dina membuat hati ini sentiase girang :)

19 Jan 2010

membebel je la si SHINTA itu Usmi...

hello peeps...wish u guys happy tuesday :)
i feel very very very sleepy...asal nih? i went to bed at 11pm last night..i woke up at 7.30am..but still sleepy?!!! or maybe bcos i just eat Nasi Goreng + 1/2 boiled eggs...

hurmmm =/

Boss at here for a week??omG...
bosan nyew...bile die mai KL je rase cam x best nye nak keje.
*walhal, ni office die kan..ngeee*
masuk2 office trus panggil i...igt kan nak ape je tadi..rupe2nye suruh amek kan warm water for him. ngade ngade...heheee
~psst..where's my BONUS??

to be continues....

ok, im back!

ape ek nak membebel lagi?? ohh haa..
last night, my mom n me sembang2 sebelum tido....
sembang pasal ape? pasal....our trip to mom nak ikut POTO Travel & Tour.
die kate murah. RM5K++
Alaaaa...ikut je la ANDALUSIA...tak best la camni...
ngade2 punye pasal, mak pon malas nk layan i and she just said " ok ok " hehe ;p
tapi.....bulan 3...huh??March?? oh no..i can't make it..! i baru je amek cuti rituh..and now balance pon cam hampeh my big bro nak kawen lagi...adoi, cam kene tangguh jek trip nih...

majuk punye majuk,
at last we make a deision, end of this year...trip to TURKEY (insyaAllah) and UMRAH with ANDALUSIA. yeeahhhh :D Flight Ticket will sopnsor by BONDA
and INSYAALLAH, next year akan ade reunion between me & kawan2 seAndalusia seUmrah (last 30th MEI 2009). and we plan nak g umrah beramai2...God Willing...kumpul je duit :)

18 Jan 2010

fall sick again :(

baru je last 2 days i kembali ceria and tadi i rase cam tak sihat balik..
medicine?? omG i forgot to bring it together la... aduh aduh... macam nak muntah pon ade....
mom will scold me if die dpt taw i tak bawak ubat hari nih...habes la balik kang..dushh
and my eyes back to blurry =_- i can't see everything clearly... :(

thnx to kak zaza for the soup. sedap... baru ade selera nak makan.

and just now, i g timbang my weight...
omG...i just lost 0.5kg....
sampai bile nak macam nih???sakit sket, demam pastu berat badan pon turun....eee..sakitnye hati.

my target nak gain my weight atleast 3kg from current. hopefully :)


Monday sickness....

first of all.....Good Morning reader. it's Monday again :(
been feeling so not gud but last night was be a gudddd nite for me...hahahaa...

what's going to be happen today??

ntah la labu...tunggu je la....

rase skang ni macam nk balik n sambung tido je kat rumah...
rindu nye kat Poopy...tgg ye..pukul 6pm kang dinde balik k peluk kande poopy erat2.......

mode : very very very MALAS

15 Jan 2010

penantian suatu penyeksaan.....

ish ish...mmg dah takde keje si Shinta Itu Usmi ni...asyik berblog je dari tadi...
im bored...fuken bored...
friday's make me feel arrghhhh......cepatlah pukul 6pm ;(

byk bende wat i pening hari nih...

first : bile called bank nak chq balance. adoi, punye la lame i nak tgg dorang pass the line to person in charge. kalo org tu xde, xde la....x kan xde back up kot...sakit ati i nih...!
kalo rase tak nak pick up called client lain kali tak yah pakai telephone...pakai je burung merpati. old skool sket..hahahaa

second : bile ade bende yg nak kene fax to HQ, sure computer i nih wat hal....nak hang la time2 tuh...
pastu bile i cakap kt HQ komp yg i rosak dorang x mo caye... * terang2 kot....tapi kalo berFB atau Berblog ok jek.!haha....

third : parking yang cam hampeh kat office i nih. MasyaAllah, hanye Tuhan saje yang tahu camne susah i and manusia2 kat Wangsa Linkl ni nak menunggu parking. Sumtimes we haf to TAWAF atleast 3 times utk dapatkan parking tuh. errghhh..SEMAK...! kat sinilah bank, kat sini lah dorang nk parking kalo nak g WWM sbb takmo bayar..bukan mahal pon... kat sini jugalah mereka2 nak shooting..
adoi... NYEMAK jek.!

forth : MESSAGING. time2 i tgh bz gile nak mampos la semue msg2 bile i menantikan msg2 dari kalian semua, satu pon tak masuk...yang ade HOTLINK, HOTLINK and HOTLINK...just now when i g bank just for less than 10minutes, dah ade 5 msg(s) in my inbox. all from MAXIS...geram....

fifth :
it's take a long time to tunggu puan Manager membawa i ke bank.
Adoi... cepatlah sikit..kang bank dah tutup.

**ape2pun...setiap penantian bagaikan satu penyeksaan dalam hidup i nih...tak kire la menanti ape sekali pun... :(



If I wrote a note to God
I would speak what's in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away
For love to overflow

If I wrote a note to God
I'd pour my heart out on each page
I'd ask for war to end
and for peace to mend this world

I'd say
I'd say
I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love, cause love is overdue
And it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

If I wrote a note to God
I'd say please help us find a way
End all the bitterness, put some tenderness
in our hearts

I'd say
I'd say
I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love, cause love is overdue
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you

Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on


We can't do it on our own


(Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love, cause love is overdue)
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help

Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

(No) We can't do it on our own


If I wrote a note to God


kerinduan yang teramat dekat mereka2 di bawah ini.

1. Muhammad Adam Durrany Bin Khairil AzizI

-Budak 6thn ini sgt2 MODEN. He's being one of Transfomer's Fan. Sangat suke kan robot, Mr. bean, Kete Bean and Kete Atok ( volkswagen ). He also love game..PSP, PS,bla..bla.... and he wanted his own PSP from papa. and papa said : Adam dapat no.1 baru papa belikan. so, when the school open and he enter the classes...he said to papa " Pa, bile Adam nak dapat no.1 nih?" aduhai Adam....sekolah baru start sehari la...hehe..Adam Adam...

2. Muhammad Rayyan Bin Khairil Azizi

- this Bby Boy is lil bro of Adam and he's 10 months. Very lovely, notty and jealousy...hehe also greedy..hahaa...but he's cute. it's hard to see die ni SENYUM, but once he smile rase macam sejuk je dunia ni :) skang ni Rayyan dah pandai memanjat tapi malas nak berjalan. Pantang nampak tangga..
satu habit Rayyan ni, die suke kerut muke..mikirkan masalah negara agaknye..hehee :p and when he pandang Bby Irfan, die buat muke cam pelik. sgt kelakar.

3. Nur Adlah Kamaruddin & Elliza Abd Razak

- im so missing both of them. rase macam dah berabad tak jumpe. world such a beautiful place when them by my side taw. when staying together, ade je bende yg bley wat gelak. aduhai...cepat dtg jumpe aku. rindu gile nak gelak2 ngn korang nih. Sayang korang sangat2 muaahhh :*

4. si dia
si dia yang selalu menyakitkan hati ttp sukar untuk di benci. MANDREM. si dia yg byk berubah. si dia yang mengutamakan kebersihan. si dia yang selalu buat muke manje * lempang nak?*.
si dia yang selalu lmbt menunaikan janji. si dia yang makin pandai mendisiplinkan diri.
si dia yang baru nak tukar motosikal menggantikan skuter yang uzur. si dia yang kerap berpeluh ketika makan. si dia yang selalu pulang lewat ke rumah *keje la*.
si dia yang menjadi perbualan hangat suatu ketika dahulu. si dia yang konon nye punca keretakan hubungan i dgn ex * oh tidak. kami cuma salah faham. katenye*. si dia yang menjadi punca kenapa ramai lelaki menjauhkan diri dari i * juga suatu ketika dahulu*.
bersama si dia banyak mengajar erti kesabaran dan kerelaan.

kembali merepek....

Syukran Ya Allah :)
i kembali pulih setelah beberapa hari sakit2...hehee *walhal sehari je mc*

Yesterday, i went to Clinic and asked for MC. bile masuk je bilik doc tuh, masyaAllah.....belum sempat berkata apa2 doc tu dah membebel2 kat i...puncanya from my MOM...
boleh die cakap kat doc tuh " my daughter ni tak pernah yg sihat. " Start from that the doc never stop bumbling to me untill my niece came in and make a noise....bagus2...kalo tak lagi lambat la i duk dlm bilik tuh.

ape yang doc tu bebel?? :

1. Umur u berapa skang?? and i said : 26 years.
she said : when i at ur age, i never fall sick!
so??? do i look like i care??? i just want my MC..pls hurry up.

2. do u take ur breakfast every morning kakak? and i said : sumtimes.
she said : oh no. u haf to take ur breakfast. at least u makan buah or just minum juices... the best juice is PINEAPPLE. it's gud for our stomach taw.
what?? on no.....i hate pineaplle....!!

3. "do drink a lot of water. boleh kakak?" she said.
ok problem. so u done??

4. kakak, u haf to b strong. KUAT...even u penat, u kene lawan penat tuh. do more exercises and byk kan makan makanan berkasiat. amek supplement like Minyak Ikan. itu bagus.
ye, saya paham boleh tak cepat sikit.....

almost 20 minutes i kat dalam tuh. but, end up nye, i tak tau kenape i sakit. adekah salah makan? atau ape?? doc ni mmg nak kene...nex time i will make sure that u're not in the clinic. i rather go to another clinic than i see ur face. plsss.....ergghhhhh....

but thanks cos gimme 2 days MC..hehee...

13 Jan 2010

macam2 sakit..........

lately nih i always fall sick...makan pon dah kurang. lost an appetite. badan sakit2 and lemah. sumtimes, rase mcm nak pitam pon

last night, me went out with mak n Dina...accompanying her makan2...*my mom love MAKAN*
so, we having our dinner dekat MAK TIM's Nasi Beryani, Keramat. Sampai sane je i rase macam nak muntah...tapi cover2..ramai im act normal. Mak order Bihun Bandung and me Soto Nasi Impit. as usual, i akan share makan dgn Dina :) and mak enjoyed her food sorang2....
dah habes selesai sumer, mak cakap "hmm...biase2 je rase makanan kat sni" adoi mak. dah habes semangkuk plus rojak buah and soto syida ni, u can say cam tu plak...hehee ;p
after that, masuk je kete, badan i dah rase sengal2...sakit2...dan macam2 rase lagi...

sampai rumah, i asked mak for URUT badan i nih.. tak tahan sakitnyew..then i said, " mak, urut la betul2..sakit nih!" and she said " mak ni bukan tukang urut!"
akibat tersentap dengan kata2 my mom tu, i terus masuk bilik n nanges sampai tertido.... body feel like dicucuk2 dgn lidi kerang kat Jumma tuh. Hanya Tuhan yg taw
camne sakitnye.....

this morning, when i woke up i rase dizzy sangat2. Sat lagi nak g clinic bawah ofis ni jap.
ok korang, selamat ari rabu dan selamat menjalankan tugas :)

11 Jan 2010

no title......

.LIFE. im so not in my mood today...
just like wanna screamingggg all oouutttttt... bored with this life and im being so upset..!why should everything must put on my shoulder like i am the one who's living in that fuken hze??!!
i kept this by myself for a long time...malas nak cite kat sape2..sbb..end up nye i gak akan disalahkan..yesterday, my lil bro ungkit pasal me yg lepas2...
*my past time la...*
now, everyone macam nak merendah2kan they never make mistake in life plak...i admited my wrong and i apologized to everyone termasuk my last dad...i know i did wrong and i know im stupid but i never regret for wat was happened...
benci la's ok shinta, just relax...take a deep breathe....what people gonna say to u just let it...ignore je :)

.HEART. im taking a big risk in my life. omG..i tak taw nak cakap camne kat semua orang.
Maybe people will say "ala usmi,aku dah agak da...." or maybe " what????" or maybe "it's up to u la.." or maybe byk lagi suare2 yg akan kedengaran......oh no!!!!let them know by 'emself la...if mereka2 nak berkate2 let 'em be je...i just want mylife smile and my.....................
i x nak sakitkan hati sape2...dun wanna play peeps heart feeling..."buka pintu utk orang lain" is not that easy to do.i ever try once but.......maybe dah takde jodoh..back to story, mak just came back from Mekah and she bought JUBAH for me...hehe..not for me..but for my KAWAN...kawan??ye kawan...kawan...seorang kawan....and she keep asking me " bile nak bagi baju kat kawan tuh, suruh die try..kalo besar boleh alter..."hehe..dgn selamber i menjawab " tak jumpe lagi..die bz keje keje keje"walhal tak taw macam mane nak g bagi baju kat mamat nih...kang kalo dtg umah semua akan terkejut...adoi...pikir usmi pikir....tak pon the best way, just be honest..

my mom nak sgt makan kat sini. Last night she said to me
"syida, nnti kite makan Chicken Mandy kat Jalan Ampang nak?Dorang kate kat sane sedap macam yg kite makan kat mekah dulu"la mak ni, kan ke syida da penah ckp dulu....dah try pon makan ngn Zahri.ok2..nnti i akan bawak g makan kat sini....dah terliur ngn mango juice...
u guys should try...mmg sedap tp maseh tak dapat lawan yg diSana la....rindu pulak dgn suasane kat situ...dan rindukan orang2 disana....insyaAllah 2011 akan ke sane lagi :)

8 Jan 2010

to many things happened.............

i just hope 2010 will change my life...i nak buang yg sedih2, yg hitam2 and all the bad things and change it to be good. God willing....

This few days i felt like wanna run away from home...sedih dgn ape dah jadi ngn family ni...
but the problem tu bukan dari kami adik beradik and not even from dr orang luar yg suke menyebuk...sakit hati ni... ikut kan hati nak je i sound "mereka" tuh...!tak sedar diri...!!! im not saying that i ni baik ke beragama ke but...................ish tak taw le nak ckp camne. hopefully bende ni leh settel :(

** im surely that Abah feel upset with the things happened**

Friendship : i miss my buddies so much...the last person that i meet up was AYIN. umm...mane yg lain nih. bile la nak jumpe korang ni...? i miss to spend my time with them...
karok sampai pecah suare, muvie, picnic..bla..bla...
pls pls pls call me when u guys haf any plan ok :)

in relationship : biarlah rahsia. kalau ade jodoh tak kemana kan??!! berserah je :)

work : day by day, i semakin bosan nak keje. i really hate this job. i nak masuk hotel line balik but....ayoyoyoooo cannot la... i nak stadi insurance, so that i can easily amek test for insurance. jadi ejen pon ok gak...haha....and one thing, i rindu nak wat photoshoot lagi...waaa...cepat2 call me to rosakkan photo2 korang ;p

money-money : im still waiting for my "bonus". hadoii bile la nak dapat nih...i tak sabar nak shopping baju..and nak hntar kain g buat baju kurung for my bro's wedding on feb nnti...
macam2 nak beli nih..ngeee~

6 Jan 2010


im bored and i dun haf any idea to updated...
feel so bad....!!!

4 Jan 2010

we miss you badly Abah :(

in memory of Haji Rusfan Bin Haji Husin
15 August 1945 - 04 January 2009

Hari ni,(04.01.2010) genap setahun Abah pergi tinggalkan i and all family and friends.
Even though he's not with us anymore but he is still my loving father and only God knoes how much we miss you...
you're the one and only dad i ever had.

i wanna find sum1 just like Abah to be my future husband....
a strong man, educated, loving, caring.......insyaAllah

I love you with all my heart
And I'm sorry I wasn't there in the end of ur life...
Heaven is your home now,
I love you, Abah,