L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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28 Apr 2009


do you ever feel, like breaking down?
do you ever feel, like crying?
do you ever want, to run away?
do you ever want to push someone, so far away?
do you ever hope they come back, and still want to stay?
do you ever break down, in the middle of the night?
do you ever freak out, knowing everythings not alright?
do you ever miss, the way things go wrong?
do you ever think, maybe your life is to long?
i do,
it sucks,
cause all i do is cry,
i wake up in the middle of the night and wonder this is happening.why?
id tell you how to fix it but the truth is i dont no,
i really dont even know where im supposed to go or be with...
I think I am just stupid!!
Can a doctor fix a heart that is broken?? Please fix mine.
I am talking nonsense.
Pardon me for now.

for almost 6 years i have been in love for someone who gave me pretty lies and false hope..
now i'm going to fix my broken heart....!

27 Apr 2009

Kalaulah mereka tahu....

semalam, lepas lepak ngn kawan2 aku kat shah alam,
aku dpt msg dr salah sorg dr mereka..
msg nye terType begini...
"Beb,ko da ade bf bru ke?happy smcm je..msg pn snyum2..ske tgk ko skang"
aku nmpak happy kew?
maybe luaran la..
hakikatnye??sorang pon xtahu ape yg terpendam..
sakit..geram..kecewa..sume ade..
then,aku ckp la..
"aku happy single ok!"
yekew???ko dah tipu kawan2 ko la usmie oii..
ko nak jaga hati ko kan?? not happy with my life now...
member aku ni tanye aku lagi...
"camne nak tol2 lupekn die ar? ak da xbole nk fokus ..aku xphm la ngn dri ak ni,apu ape die mki hmun ak, smpah seranah ak, tp cm still xbole nk buang die lam ht ak..mcm gam gajah da.."
kalaulah dia tau yg ape yg dirase tu aku pon rase smp skang nih..tragedi2 yg kene kat aku ni lagi teruk kot..beb..aku dah sampai kene gam ngn dinasour ko tau tak??
aku baru je nak rase free dr sume masalah..
but,dgn tetibe jek..pagi tadi..
bile aku dapat taw perempuan tuh perli2 aku kat facebook die..aku jd lagi geram+sakit+marah+bla..bla..aku kene control,kalo x,batal pose aku hari nih..
ape mslh die lagi..
korang nak tahu ape yg die tulis??
"selama 6 tahun, xpernah smpai tngan n dmarah..tapi knpa dirimu dtglkan mcm 2 sja?sprtinya..tandatnya.."
you kow why he left me right??ko nak aku bgtaw sbb ape??
ko dah dapat die kan??xkan x puas lgi..
atau ko bengang ngn aku sbb aku ckp ngn ko jgn msg2 aku lagi..
kalaulah mereka tahu ape yg tertanam dlm hati aku nih..!!!!
to be continue....

25 Apr 2009

Award utk nko!!

aku xtaw ape yg ko nak sebenarnye dr hidup aku. at first ko maki2 aku after u read my msg to him. fine! i noe i shouldn't, but u dun have the right utk bce msg die. ko bukan wife die lagi ok! ok, let the past be past...then,on 4th jan 2009 again i texted him up. just wanna told him that my Abah was passed away..and again u called me n texted me up..
ape yg ko riso sgt...aku bukan cakap "oh bby, im so in fuken sad now..bla..bla..."
i dun have the mood to talked with u on the phone...but i dun wanna make things getting worst!bcos of that i hve to told u everythings and i hope u trust on me. but if u dun wanna,who are fuken care!!
started from that time, u always texted me and closed to me!
but now, i think u are too much..
u just a good actress in this world..and u should get an award for that.ohh beb, i noe u trying to be someone else now..just go ahead with ur plan to trap me and i'll do the same..speacial for you!!

16 Apr 2009


(Filem arahan David Teo)

Date: 10th April 2009
Time: 9-30pm

Nak compare ngn Jangan Pandang Belakang, aku lebih suke cite nih..
for me, die punye cerita ok, and byk unsur suspens.
seram and also unexpected.
expression dorang pon ok. Hantu pon ok.
cara die kene rasuk pon ok..sume ok la...
korang yg x tgk lagi better g la tengok. kalo aku cite cam rugi lak.
xpe, for this time, baik korang g support cite melayu.
sure x rugi korang bayar RM12-00.

just satu je la nak igt, bawak la skali shawl..takot sejuk lak..
(sebenarnye utk cover if ade korang yg penakot cam aku ngn member aku soran nih.)
xpon, leh gak tutup muke ngn pop corn. cam Zaim buat.
kepade sesiape yg rase2 macam nk kene sinus,
bawak2 le ubat siap2 k..sakit ke ape ke..korang kene tgk gak.

yg penting sekali, amaran utk korang sume:
Tolong "SILENT"kan Handphone

if ade call, answer la kat luar..
jgn jadi mcm sorang minah nih.. cam celaka lak aku rase!!
dah la cakap mcm nak bagi semua org dengar..
siap ade org sound pon wat bodo jek..
lama lak tuhh..bongok ohh..!!!geram gileee....
senang2 ko msg je la..ape susah...tul x dik???heehee :D

ko lek je moi. aku pon takot gak nak tgk nih, tapi redah jea...
ramai kot..!! agak2 kalo ko takot, ko tutup je telinga macam aku. hahahaa.
***rupe2 nye Akai nampak yg aku tutup telinga.heehee kantoi la plak..
tapi yg penting aku dapat gak tgk cite hantu melayu yg bagi aku so far PALING OK.
just cam keliru sket, ape kaitan tajuk JANGAN TEGUR ngn jalan cite tuh..
tak taw la plak if aku yg mmg x paham kan..
tapi bagi aku cam xde kene mengena...tol x schayanggg??!!!
tapi ape2 pon aku ttp bagi bintang la :D

kitaorang bergambar bagai nk gile. ye la..dah lame sgt x jumpe.
tapi mmg syok woo kuar ngn dorang nih...!!!

**taken by Akai. Thanks :)

9 Apr 2009

Details In The Fabric

Calm down Deep breaths And get yourself dressed instead Of running around And pulling all your threads saying Breaking yourself up

If it's a broken part, replace it But, if it's a broken arm then brace it If it's a broken heart then face it

And hold your own Know your name And go your own way Hold your own Know your own name And go your own way

And everything will be fine Everything will be fine

Hang on Help is on the way Stay strong I'm doing everything

Hold your own Know your name And go your own way Hold your own Know your name And go your own way

And everything, everything will be fine Everything

Are the details in the fabric Are the things that make you panic Are your thoughts results of static cling?

Are the things that make you blow Hell, no reason, go on and scream If you're shocked it's just the fault Of faulty manufacturing.

Yeah everything will be fine Everything in no time at all Everything

Hold your own And know your name And go your own way

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)Are the things that make you panic Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way)Is it Mother Nature's sewing machine?

Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name) Hell no reason go on and scream If you're shocked it's just the fault (Go your own way)Of faulty manufacturing.

Everything will be fine Everything in no time at all Hearts will hold

7 Apr 2009


Pagi semalam mak called remind utk aku g renew pasport.
aku pon kelam kabut la bgn kan..
tgk2 jam rupenye2 baru je kul 6.30am...
aku pon g solat subuh pastu sambung tido balik.
Dalam kul 8.00am bgn balik siap2 nak g Imigresen.
Dah separuh jalan,kire2 dah dekat trafic light STW,
hp ngn pasport lame tgl umah lak..dah biase dah tgl2 brg nih..heehee
so, kene la patah balik.
dlm kul 9.00 sampai le kat Imigersen Sri Rampai.
Masuk2 trus g kaunter utk ambil nombor.
hehe comel gak mamat kat sini. Boleh tahan la...uhuuhhuu :p
so, aku pon ckp kat mamat sorang ni dgn muke yg comel n kontrol ayu,
"saya nak renew pasport"
"ade bawak pasport lame?" die tanye aku.
so aku jawab " ade. tak kan x bawak pula. "
so die balas balik ....
" mane lah tahukan. kalau macam tuh, awak kena isi form baru. berapa nak?"
aku pon balas membalas la..." bape byk form yg kene?"
" berape pasport yg nak renew? " die tanye aku lagi..
aku balas lagi " saya sorang je."
"oh macam tuh, satu form je la.. seringgit ye dik pastu trus g kaunter 1 utk amek nombor giliran ye."
die membalas kata2 terakhir aku. Dlm hati aku, ko igt ko besar sgt ke yg ko pggl aku adik.??
hehee ;p
lepas tuh, aku trus kaunter 1.
dan no aku "1056"
tunggu punye tunggu punye tunggu.. akhirnye jam 10-45am siap juga pasport aku.
heheee...yeehooo..!! dan inilah hasilnye......

Usmi Syahida Binti Rusfan


(gemuk gile pipi aku time nih)

Address: Aras 1, Wisma Rampai, Jalan 34/26, Taman Sri Rampai, Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Postcode (Poskod): 53300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 4142 3449 Fax: +603 4142 3578
Area: Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

6 Apr 2009

warkah utk Abah

( abah tersayang)
Allahyarham Haji Rusfan Bin Haji Husin

(pusara abah di Madinah)
Hari ni, 6 april 2009 genap 92 hari abah pergi tinggalkan syida, mak , nenak & adik beradek lain. hari sabtu lepas, lepas magrib, kami adik beradik buat tahlil tuk abah. tu je yg mampu kami lakukan utk kebahagian abah di Sana. abah, syida ade guna towel abah yg abah balut dgn plastik dlm bilik abah. bolehkan?? :)
Abah nak taw, tiap kali kalau nenek nak balik kuale, kitr mesti terbalikkan gambar abah. nenek masih x leh nak tgk wajah abah lagi. die sebak.abah jgn risau, syida akan jaga nenek. 16 april ni, caer konvo. syida wakil abah utk meraikan kejayaan caer.
Sabtu lepas syida, mak, caer & iwan g buat injection. sakit..tapi xpe la,sakit pon sakit la..janji syida dapat gak pergi buat umrah nnti.Tak sbb sabar nak pergi ziarah bulan jun ni. abah tunggu yek. syida nak lepaskan rindu kat abah.

abah nak taw, kak kema dah bersalin on 24rd March 2009. Bby boy. Nama die Muhammad Rayyan. Yg paling terharu bile, muka Rayyan seiras Abah. Mata & mulut exactly the same. Mesti abah dah tgk Bby Rayyan kan??comel kan??Rambut die pon lebat macam abah :) . Senyum je memanjang Bby Rayyan tu. ntah2 abah tgh usik Rayyan tak?heeheee :)
kalau nangis, suare die halus jek.comel sangat.
tanda lahir Rayyan kat tapak kaki. Org kate, kalu kat tapak kaki, nnti dah besar
die merantau byk tempat..harap2 ikut jejak abah. Amin ~

oklah abah, syida ni sebenarnya tgh keje. tgh malas nak buat report. nnti syida sambung cerita lagi k.

salam sayang dari anakmu di dunia.


Muhammad Rayyan bin Khairil Azizi

was born on 24rd of March 2009 at 5-53am

At first, we called him with the name ADIF.

but, the name was changed bcos got no meaning.


welcome to Rusfan's Family to

Muhammad Rayyan.


me in black tux vest

some of tuxedo vests for women :)

(u girls better try. it's so pretty COOL)

2 Apr 2009


The 80's were, like, totally cool. Like, totally, ya know? Fer Sure.... even if there were a lot of questionable fashion choices. Parachute pants. Plaid, pleated walking shorts. Huge plastic, multicolored, dangling earrings. Poofy lambchop taffeta sleeved prom/bridesmaid dresses. Flashdance sweatshirts with leggings.
But retro fashion is cool, right? Hip. Trendy even. Maybe it's me, but I just think the 80's are not a decade we should ever, ever, ever look to for fashion guidance.

Vintage clothing has been a hot trend for a while now and one of the coolest things about it is that there are plenty of possibilities. Whether you want to look overdressed, scandalous or just plain different you can easily come up with many different ensembles.I found a good website that not only has ideas for retro women's fashion but it also sells a lot of different items. This website is located at and it has everything from dresses to sleepwear. However, if you want to save money on retro clothing then a great place to look is at a thrift store. Most thrift stores are filled to the brim with hand-me-down's and old clothes that are truly authentic. Sometimes it makes a lot more sense to buy something old than to pay extremely high prices for replicated clothes with nice brand names.