L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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23 Feb 2011

hari yg stresss...

hye uolls....
i just went back from kerja..fuken tired plus stress plus kenyang...**burping**

well, macam2 yg jadi arini...
smp2 je office tgk semua work statios dah full.. where's my PC??
kebetullan i dapat PC sblah Yanie...she's already open all the system but me??baru je nk on PC.
1417, baru ON PC...but unfortunately the PC is wengggg....i keep restart and restart and restart but tak dapat2 jugak... so i panggil ntah sape i pon tatau,  tolong i utk ON the PC...
and the problem is still remain the same..
aiyooo...i dah lmbt nak LOGIN and MANUAL IN....
almost 2 hrs jugak la i tak jawab call....***tapi act seronok tak terhingga..kalo boleh bior le PC tu hang sampai kul 0000...i tak kesah ;p ***
RTFM (kire cam bos jugak la) dtg kt island i and said if sape2 dah ade PC boleh ke tak boleh ke nak manual in just sit at ur place....nnti i arrange kan u oalls...wah...mak suke nok...but at the same time i keep trying la godek2 PC....shut off plug die...restart byk kali and mcm2 lagi....
and suddenly, at 1556 PC i tetibe ok plak...

so i g jumpe RTFM (shift ptg) utk sain RMC. otw nk g jumpe die i dah tade mood nk g sain RMC tuh...sampai kat die lagi la tade mood..**tak suke RTFM tuh sbb die sgt kerek!!!**
tanpa melengah2kan masa, i pon tulis la ape yg patut kt form tuh.....and bg die semak,
and u guys know what....i dapat "HADIAH" dr die....
die cakap ...
" kenape lmbt sgt u manual in ni?? u msk keje kul bape??"
i pon jawab la...
" sye msk kul dua setengah ENCIK...PC saye problem tadi..taleh nk ON..nak Login pon taleh...and i keep trying to restart the PC byk kali, then tadi baru boleh"
die cakap lagi...
" KEPALE HOTAK la sampai 2 jam PC problem"
and i pon jawab la....
"dah mmg taleh..and saya dah bg nama pon kat RTFM Zaidi tadi...and he took all the agent's name yg ade problem PC jugak tadi..."
si RTFM ni still tak puas ati..and die suh i panggil En.Zaidi tuh..berani kerana benar takut kerana salah la kan...bongok tol RTFM tuh...die cam tatau lak yg PC2 kt floor 17 tuh mmg la semuanya BAGUSSSS...CEPATTT and COMPLETE....and tak CROWDED langsung....mongok!!!!!
so i g la panggil En RTFM yg sempoi tuh....and he settle everythings...
and settle je hal tu, mentor i suh logout sbb nk tkr 6th  floor...ALHAMDULILLAH..tayah tgk muke..nyampah!!!

so dah settle tukar floor sume, i start manual in kul 1630... ;D
tapi....start je i manual in, called masuk NON_STOP.....!!!demmit..nak wat ACW taleh la..i kene jage ACW...siottt.....!!!!!!

2 call before meeting i dapat lak satu customer ni...nama die MISS WONG.
he facing connection failure - DSL Blinking...
and she claimed that selalu sgt wat report and for this time she refuse to do t/shooting...
even nk reconfirm blk ngn die ape yg die dah buat pon die refuse..
so, utk amek ati die i pon cakap la....
"no problem miss wong, i will make one report to send a technician to you"
and taw die cakap ape kat i???
"what do u said by NO PROBLEM??this is my problem..i can't access to internet and u said no problem???i lost my client bcouse of this problem and u said NO PROBLEM???whatever it is, i want the technician tomorrow morning"
dengan sopan i pon jawab..
"im do apologize about that...and i will make a report now so the technician will take action for this case within 24 hours"
"24hours is not good enuff for me...i need the technician come early in the MORNING...!!herdik si Miss Wong ni kat i...
i pon no choice, tanak lebih2 malas nk dgr sgt bebel die so i pon remark la NOTE kat report dia...
i tulis....
lantok le technician tu nak dtg pagi ke malam ke...janji i dah update...
yg best Miss Wong tu siap amek full name i and ID i skali...

aishh...ape la naseb, last 3days, kene carut ngn customer, MR.LAI...die cakap "WHAT THE F***"  esoknye dapat compliment plak by Mr.Ng die cakap "LEPAS NI IF I ADE MASALAH I NAK CARI YOU...SEKARANG TM PUNYA SERVICE BANYAK BAGUS...SEMUA VERY PATIENT. KEEP IT UP" siap leh nyembang ngn MR.NG ni...sempoi tak sempoi....

haishhhh..macam2 tul perangai manusia kat dunia nih...pening mak layan!!!!

k lah...mak nak tido...penat...!!!


Mawar Merah said...

Emm..bukan nak prejudis or berkaum2, tp the ones you meant itu mmg teruk. Always thinking dat they are better than other races and religions. but obviously, they are opportunis. They take advantage whenever they can. Lucky to be able to work with the same race now.My bosses dlu ms kt hotel The Gardens, even Chinese, they treat me nicely. Even sits with me to eat at the canteen table.

Usmi Syahida said...

kan....i pon menyampah tgk RTFM tuh...kire bile die berpangkat die boley la suke ati cakap camtu kt i....
demm...serious i benci die..!!!!