L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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27 Jun 2012

the DAY...

hello uolls...
salam Rabu buat semua. 3rd day of working...seriusly badan sgt penat. bile keje petang rase macam x cukup rehat..exhausted!
hate to work at evening shi* shift. pffttt....
yeahh..Abie was finally arrieved KL safely. die suh fetch kat KLIA tp gtaw last minute. mmg tak dapat abie straight to my office. abie looked sooooooo ohsem with his new coat.pewiiitttt...Baru 3 ari g S'pore balik da tak reti nk cakap melayu...pastu konon JET LAG...sangat la...!poyo la uuu ni bieee....

saya masak nasi goreng hangit...yeahh agak menjadi dr sebelum ni even de hangit sket tp saye ttp berpuas ati..ahaks ;p
ni lah untung tgk masterchef celebriti ari2 kt umah...(konon)
dah boleh kawen dah..yeaahhhh 
will meet abie's mom soon. so nebesss...sangat ok. dah lame x jmp mak die. 2 3 thn ade kot. waawaawaa..sejuk dah tangan nih. ngegegee..
abie n me was discuss about us...but we are still plan for the right time. abie so bz smp tade cuti langsung. bangla buat rumah pon taw nk amek cuti taw! just hopefully everything go smooth.....amin :)

another 3 weeks before Ramadhan. no preparation yet. rase gementar plak nak sambut Ramadhan kali nih.cheeehh 
banyak persiapan yg perlu ade...sabar,tabah,keimanan...tu semua kene ade.kalo stakat puase je tapi tak sabar, cepat marah...sia2 je puase tu. am i right??kannnn...

oklah...nak sambng wat keje. will cont again with new and hawt entry.bhahahaha
