L I V E with no EXCUSES and L O V E with no REGRETS.

Dad's lil girl

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Kuala Lumpur, muslim, Malaysia
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6 Jun 2012

06/06/2012 Inspirational Quote

"Just because I laugh a lot, doesn't mean my life is easy.

Just because I have a smile on my face every day, doesn't mean
that something is not bothering me. I just choose to move on,
and not dwell on all the negatives in my life. Every new
moment gives me the chance to renew anew. I choose to be

-- Author Unknown

"I bet there are things you are holding onto that simply are
no longer worthy of your time. It's not that they're not
worthy goals for someone... they're just not goals worthy of
your life. But it's just not a good use of your life to hang
on. Think big, act big. Don't be afraid to move on."

-- Jason Leister